Customer Testimonials
"Very easy to get started. I set up my first ecommerce myself :-) Kind of surprised that I can. Back Office is designed nicely. I purchase the template to have my preference design it's so easy. I simply copy files in and I get the complete new design ready. Keep the good work!"
- Joyce
"VevoCart does the work of all my needs to start ecommerce, and with many ready to use look & feel. This has saved me many hundreds of dollars in software expense and hundreds of working hours. Though, I wish to see more features, this free software owns a great value!"
- Mark
"Awesome - I wish to try selling before spending thousands of dollars. VevoCart gives me the opportunity. I am with the Free version but make no mistake, it's perfectly great for commercial ecommerce. I spent no time to start. I found VevoCart by accident whilst looking for the older ASP solution. With newer Technology, ASP.Net runs stably and fast - Brilliant!"
- Kate
"I'm impressed! Thank you and thank you. I really like to back office design, it's easy to use. Also, I can run this software in multi language. I give VevoCart a 5 Star rating! Way to go!"
- Nick
"Terrific, I love your VevoCart, great, can not believe how easy was to have clean and professional ecommerce website, thank you and keep up with the good work."
- Carey
"We are really pleased with the ease of use. The back office allows me to easily set things up. 2 thumbs up."
- Ben
"I have been thrilled with all of the help from the support, I have no knowledge in computer stuffs. They are patient and even unzip files and upload for me with a minimum fee. Thank you for your time and effort."
- Jason
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